kah2004's Diaryland Diary


happy 4th of July ppls!

Kamille, you're destined for Survivor.
If you're going to put yourself on display for the world to see, you might as well get paid! That's right, your show is Survivor, the Super Bowl of reality shows. Okay, so technically, you'll only be pocketing $650,000 after taxes, but that's pretty good coin for a little camping trip.

It's clear, you love the outdoors and are prepared for all the inherent challenges that come with picking your breakfast off a shrub and your dinner out of the bug netting. But your mental toughness is what really qualifies you for Survivor. You know all about the satisfaction that comes with enduring physical challenges, but it's the psychological edge that's going to keep your torch lit. You know how to read others, press buttons, and build alliances. The tribe has spoken: Send your audition tape Survivor's way.

isn't that a hoot? for some reason... i find that REALLY funny... not sure why... tho... LoL... karen's telling me how she dyed her hair red... kinda... that's funny! it would look good on her no matter what she did.

happy fourth of july everyone... we've been a country for 227... since 1776! eek! long time... tho lots of other countries are a lot older! we're the baby of a lot of em! we'll be patroling the beach tonite for all the drunken idiots lighting fireworks off... and watching all the fireworks up and DOWN the beach! it'll be sa-weet!!

...and let's see how these work...

i added the rose bars on the top and bottom...


my favorite rose: Joseph's Coat


8:37 AM - 07.04.03


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