kah2004's Diaryland Diary


damn i'm good

i'm officially a stupid college girl.... b/c i just stapled my finger w/ a mini stapler (normal one got jammed) while attempting to put up my van gogh poster. blah! a lil' blood, pain, some water & soap... and a nice band-aid did the trick.

but man i felt this pain and looked down... and one part of the stapler was in my finger. those damn mini pink staples. so i said "uh guys... i just stapled my finger" as i took a breath and pulled it out of my finger... then watched as the blood came up in a lil' dot like at the dr's office when they prick your finger. it was very similar to that.

lol i feel like a dork now... off to laugh at myself idiot self!

11:01 PM - 10.02.04 Saturday


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