kah2004's Diaryland Diary


&thus begins my day...

*shrugs* Seems about right, I guess.
I've decided Zac is also a lil' puppy dog, but a damn cute one. *grins*
He's the type you don't mind hanging around...
vs Jason who can only be handled in very small doses...
And I unfortunately had my morning dose *groans* ...but its all good...
Cuz Zac was in my seat (got to class late- left @ 8:57, got there @ 9:01 oh yeah!)
& kept asking for help on hw which I finished w/15 mintues to sit. *blah*
haha Cody's not awake. haha. Math test tomorrow. FUN *rolls eyes* Easy as hell,
OH YEAH. & more of the wonderful Dr. Strangelove (awesome movie go rent it!)
& ...doing English HW & got a wonderful voice message from my Jammers.
*sniffs* We're both drowning heheh... *smirk*
Oh the things we say... *grins*
College Girl

11:29 AM - 10.21.04 Thursday


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