kah2004's Diaryland Diary


Here goes....

That Day -01.11.05 Tuesday-
Today begins that countdown,
To my special day;
And on that day so years ago,
Was the day that I was given away.
One month until that day,
The day that marks my birth;
The day that a choice was made,
And forever after I was cursed.
My life as an adoptee,
On that day it was started;
And forever after-more,
Mother and child will be parted.

So much was built from that day,
That day that I was given away;
I was put up anonymously,
Another little girl unwantedly.
Upon adoption once completed,
I was shipped off to bed;
Where awoken in strange lands,
And handed over to strangers' hands.

A lonely sickly babe was I;
Sent to be cared for,
And to hopefully survive;
Adopted and sent on my way,
So years ago on that marked day.

Wrote that today b/c in one month is my bday and that day always makes me a bit sad... so I've been doing a lot of thinking... & will continue to do a lot of thinking in this next month. I try and get ppl to celebrate my bday with me, to make it happy... but there's always a part of me that is sad... sad b/c of this hole I have in my heart that I can never, ever fill again... Its just... yeah. Thanks for putting up with my useless posts, LOL. Y'all have really helped remind me that I'm not alone. Thanks.
-College Girl-

10:43 PM - 01.11.05 Tuesday


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