kah2004's Diaryland Diary


[mood] thoughtful

Garden State
I must agree, that movie rocks & yeah... but its got me a bit on the depressed side...

Is she important enough to risk everything for?
Is it worth telling her the truth instead of dealing alone?
To deal with your shit alone, or to deal with your shit with that one person by your side?

Never had a guy do that for me... hell I've had one actual bf to date. fuck... what the hell's wrong with me...

Want so much to have those arms around me again...
Want so much to know that feeling again...
Want so much to know that there's actually someone out there again...

YEAH. really kinda... DEFINITELY sad now.

and not a single person who will hold me.

alone again...

what's one more night alone?

its everything.


FYI--> Liz took pics of the campus covered in snow. hehe thanks Liz! *waves*

-College Girl-

11:35 PM - 01.07.05 Friday


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