kah2004's Diaryland Diary


Good evening and g'night...

Today's a damn muthafuckin day cuz I gotta see my NIECE!! She's finally gained weight and has a big ol' belly... and Cailey's starting to coo and smile... and she was smiling and being her cute sweet self while I was holding her... the next couple months are gonna be a blast as she starts to learn how to coo and the early stages of speech-- good to know I can use my LING knowledge in actual life *laughs* But that class was fun... wonder if Jenni is having fun home in the Tri Cities? Or Diana off in C-town & Liz is going to Worlds in Aug in Ireland (one of these days I'll go with, I hope!) & Jenny/Nick married and hope all is well in NM... Hmmm...

That reminds me Liz called about the Tour-- damn crazy shit that was today-- though it'd be cool to see Lazslo Bodrogi & Quick Step to have the maillot jaune for a few days so that the Disco Boys can coast by with letting them control the peleton... *grins* Can't believe Taylor might fucking actually be in god damn PARIS on the 24th-- that's just fucking AWESOME!! Speaking of which, the rents called from Scotland today, told 'em about the wiseass/dumbass bro T cut his finger and got five stitches *coughsdumbasscoughs* and all that...

In other news... Lovin the TdF & Lazslo & LA & GH & the Disco Boys... *gushes* Oh yeah, Sanchez, too... *grins* hehe my girls loved that icon... gotta love NSMB & MF nation...

Not that anyone cares, but I started a new fic... rather stumped, but I'm dealing. "Somedreams" & "CFTC VI NA" are helping me deal... & course there's always the CB tour's IWYB Blues version, another good one. But yeah, for no one who cares... its about being an adoptee and all that fun stuff *shrugs*

Just Another...

I wrote a song today... something I haven't done in a long ass time. Still messing with the hook and ending.... so I'll post it latas. Loved Lazslo & LA & GH & all those guys *gushes* Pulled a prank on my bro and I'm off to see the results...

And if no one cares, at least take a look at... NSYNC 10 cuz we still need help with the funds and all... and more photos if you know of anyone with fan photos... anyone? anyone? Bueller?

10:27 PM - 07.06.05 Wednesday


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