kah2004's Diaryland Diary


damnfriggingphonebook... *mumbles incoherently*

Here's my schedule... I got a class w/ EVERYONE!! HELL YEAH BABY!! AND... *drum roll*...

1st period S1: Net Sports [w/ Jess]
1st period S2: BEST (Classroom) [w/Laughlin prolly]
2nd period: AP STATS [w/ EVERYONE!!! *smirk*]
3rd period: AP GOV
4th period: Physics
5th period: AP English
6th period S1: College Wrt/Resrch [w/ Jay & Ana]
6th period S2: EARLY DISMISSAL BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

just to explain... i've had a rather.... *strange* day... and it's only 2:15 PM. i woke up many, many time last nite... woke up w/ a headache that, *thankfully* went away, but had a very very disturbing and strange and peculiar dream. let's just say... i was the fly everyone wanted to ignore... and *did* ... so i woke up w/ a feeling of dread this morning... and so i haven't been in the best of moods... went running again, didn't really help much, except to get my heart pumping and my muscles moving. didn't help my mood... damn. so i'm enjoying an empty house and wishing someone was here to keep me company... i even dressed all in blue today. my bone necklace w/ the blue beads, my blue tank top, my denim skirt (even if its the dirty look), my blue flip-flops, and my blue hairclip. i'm blue today... and i don't know why...

anyone wanna take a stab at the reason i'm feeling so damn blue...? oh..... wait...... it was that damn dream i had. *shakes head* which that feeling of being some utterly, completely ignored would go away... but it hasn't...

feel free to ignore me... may as well make that damn dream a reality for me...

so will someone please get the friggin # of the Chevron on Newberry Hill for me...? the phone book is totally kicking my ass at the moment so i haven't been able to find the friggin #...

emailed Mr. D about the needed paperwork to put on a fundraiser, and to see if he ever got our school a movie license [doubtful]... hopefully he'll email me back *crosses fingers*

called Party City and they have "many in stock" of the white leis... i guess they just didn't have 'em out on the shelves... those bastards... i need 4 boxes, 50 ct. each... and they cost $9.99... damn them and not having them onsale. Ana, i should have just boughten them in June like i was thinking of doing... damnation...

left a message for Karissa to call me so i can remind her to get the BK crowns... we need 200 of 'em... let's hope she gets 'em...

i need to...
A.) make $40 plus some
B.) get my license
C.) get a job
D.) plan the damn fundraisers so we have some $$$$
E.) star bugging Silverdale Hotel about having our Prom there

so yeah... today is the day this Prez does some work... called my mom and i'm "back now" b/c i had to do some "asb stuff" oh yeah... that "stuff" never happened. Cody had to go into work b/c the person who was signed up for today cancelled... and he's working tomorrow, too... *stares* wonder if this weekend will ever happen...

so yeah... i wanna still pull an all-nighter... i just need to get the details sorted out... wouldn't mind if it was just the 3 of us.... that'd be cool..... but 2 of us is what i'd prefer *grins* whether or not substances are involved...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

so much I wish I had done and said... so much I want to say right now... if only he knew... *SIGHS*

* shake down you make me break * for goodness sake * i think i'm on the edge * of something new with you ** ... ** standing there with your smile blinding * your eyes from seeing * my face as i'm dying * to figure out a boy * but he drifts so far away * i'm on his coast * so maybe i should stay * and map around his world * -"hurricane" something corporate-

See ya...
[writing frenzy]
tell -me- whatcha think
map of the stars

this is my diary... this is my life... i've made the choices i've made b/c i have... deal with it... or get lost...

2:15 PM - 08.28.03 Thursday


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