kah2004's Diaryland Diary


Weekend here I come!!

holy fuck its Friday already might go to a party this weekend with a friend-- she wants to see a guy she met last weekend... LOL.

blah... still sick :( but its a lil' better. wearing my kick ass monkey shirt I got at PacSun a last weekend... and its sunny I feel like doing my hw in the sun... maybe I shall do that... hmmm....

last nite was a crack & a half--- we all were ragging on Amanda... it was great fun "I'm the Samantha of the group" hehe.... "We miss our Samantha-- where's our Samantha Jones?"

but we love her... she knows its all in good fun. damn good fun actually. haha.

Season 4 disc 2 of "Sex & the City" hehe.... just just 10 plus 2 more seasons and we shall be done!! *cheers* haha fun stuff...

off to get ready for class...

11:19 AM - 10.01.04 Friday


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