kah2004's Diaryland Diary


one damn *memorable* nite...

busy busy bumble bee...
twirling crazily about it flee...
going over every lil jump...
and once in while this lil guy will just grump...
busy busy bumble bee...
spinning crazily like a flee...
busy busy bumble bee...
will the moment come, or will you just...

after all that happened last nite... i still had a blast. as i told ali... i'd much rather be sick and surrounded by the ppl who care (friends) than at home w/ no one.... so thanks a bunch everyone... your concern was greatly appreciated...

go figure... it was the punch that started the crazy nite... luckily for moi... i dance lots before it really took affect... course... i did get sick until i was up on the steps dancing w/ Rodney for the Court dance... ran down the steps, made it to a garbage can... and continued into the bathroom... damn... i haven't gotten sick since the FOURTH GRADE!!! hehe... and even then.... it was only once... i felt like i was gonna be sick again the rest of the nite... but i kept myself cold (literally shivering-- teeth chattering, too) so i didn't feel as bad.

and i can't express how much i appreciate everyone... *shakes head* no words can express my gratitude... and just b/c i was sitting-- well, laying across two chairs doesn't mean i was out on the dance floor in *spirit*... Tyler & Patti saw me bobbin' my head to the beat... as did Alex.... and of course... Shawn & Jay sticking their asses in my face was funny too.... lol thnx boys...

now... back to the fun stuff... when Dustin picked me up, Haddie was going crazy! she showed her true self... an annoying lil' barker!! like i've said.... she's only cute when she's sleeping... lol... the coursage was absolutely beautiful... that baby's gonna be drying and put on my dresser.... hehe we all were watching the game @ Applebees... tv behind and to the side... except that one was blocked by the lamp... oops... hehe he kept playing w/ the napkin "just turn it over".... and he poked himself on the pins on his flower... "don't trust me w/ sharp objects" hehehe... good ol' Hawk...

hehe so we went to the school the long way [chico] and got there early.... left again and went down the curvy hills [eldorado--cc hills *eek!*] and had some fun... gotta *heart* Jack Black and Tenascious (sp?) D... hehehe... "i'm trying to watch my figure..." "i want *4* chicken nuggets!"... so then we got to the school... and stood in line... got pics first... looked for ppls... stood around... talked... danced... "ice ice baby..." haha she wanted me to teach andrew how to slow dance... (how?!?!) he seemed fine to me! dum di dum.... got in only 3 slow dances... Hawk, Andrew, & KC (Masters) before i started to feel really bad...

...and of course... i'll be laughing about this tomorrow... or next week... sometime soon... *i promise!* so don't feel bad.... my Homecoming was **CERTAINLY** memorable... me spending half the time in the bathroom near the toilet... dum di dum... 'course Brianna was sick too (food poisoning i think) so we both felt like hell together... but w/ Jay & Shawn sticking their asses in my faces... you can't feel like crap for long! thanks everyone!

he hadn't slept last nite and was getting tired... i was tired myself... didn't join ppls @ Shari's afterwards... i didn't trust myself around any place that smelled of food... *stares* if only i hadn't gotten sick... i would have **MADE SURE** my nite didn't end as it did... *wink* hehehe... no guys knows what he's done when he ends up with me... muwahahahaha... *wink*wink* in a month... i'll make up for it... *nods* movie nite baby!! HELL YEAH!!!

it was crazy... b/c everyone was like.... "what's wrong?!?!" -"i'm sick"- "well, i'm sorry... but at least you look amazing (beautiful, gorgeous, etc)..." it was funny... it was like, b/c i felt crappy... they felt the need to lay on the compliments... but no matter how sick i was... i had a DAMN GOOD TIME BABY!!! I DID I DID I DID I DID I DID I DID I DID!!!! gonna go find me some POETRY to post up... *nods* yeppers...

...and he's a good guy... so want more could a girl ask for on Homecoming nite...? and besides... who wouldn't wanna drive around w/ a guy who *enjoys* to drive... heheh... Nicole gave me one of the silver rose candles that were in the vases on the table... and the decorations looked tight... i like having the streamers, etc, etc there instead of the wall.... *nods* boys' bball team did a good job! i give 'em props... course... Seniors (and sophomores) are gonna do a fucking sweet job on Tolo!! YEAH BABY YEAH!!!!

so basically... went to bed & was out by 12:15... and woke up @ 8:15, sorry 7:15... and have been doing reading for APGov since... i'm damn determined to get ahead for that class... if i do it for **ONE** chapter... its gonna be this one! (no special reason)... back to work for this poet!! oh yeah..... and i'll be posting more poetry soon.... i promise!!

If You Were Here, But You're Not (a poem) by hatesecms

My life is rated PG-13.
What is your life rated?

8:07 AM - 10.26.03 Sunday


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