kah2004's Diaryland Diary


Happy Halloween!


so Homecoming... Brianna and I got FOOD POISONING from Applebee's!!!! CRAPOLA!!! She had lunch there & something chicken... I had dinner there & something chicken... never going there again!! **EEK** so that was my fun times...

so... lovin' life right now... there's just a feeling like no other when you have something all done and prepared for (aka Movie Night) and know that you (as well as others) helped make it happen...

On Friday, November 14th, there will be the first ever Movie Night @ KSS... JH is 5-7 PM and HS is 8-10 PM.... its $2 w/ASB & $3 w/o... it will be in the commons and we're selling food and pop and candy... you can bring blankets and pillows and small lawn & beech chairs and we're prolly gonnna bring in the mats from the aerobics room. come one come all... tickets go on sale Wed. Nov. 5th... and YOU CAN BRING A GUEST!!! each person has a guest pass.... and...

we're showing FINDING NEMO!!! hell yeah!! I myself haven't seen it... so it should be fun!! We're using the box light and moving the screen to the middle so that's where it'll be.... hope everyone comes and sees the show!! come be a part of history ppls!

...so my week has gone by quickly and crazily...

tomorrow I got the SATs... for real this time! let's home I can get my scores up! hopefully I'll at least get a 1140 (what i got previously) lol...

*stares* yeppers... i'm hooked... trying to decide whether to tell 'im I'm interested NOW or to wait until my 5 weeks are over... if he's at school (**GASP** he was absent!! *lol*) on Monday then maybe I'll say something... *shrugs* who knew this would happen... *laughs*...

...and besides... what girl COULDN'T enjoy driving around w/ a guy who enjoys to drive and has a nice car? plus... he's lots o' fun and isn't bad on the eyes.... eh Jilly...? *snickers*

this poet need to head to bed to get some sleep for the SATs in the morning...

go see the poetry archives for some new poetry I added tonite... one is a *VERY* recent one! ...i'm off!

9:12 PM - 10.31.03 Friday


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