kah2004's Diaryland Diary


...is it time for bed yet...?

i'm so freaking tired...

so much to do... *groans* my survey project is all done by moi b/c my group are slackers....

i'm loving life as always... and the convos @ lunch just absolutely CRACK.ME.UP.

gotta love it. Taz scared the bejebus outta Bri last nite... *nods* its was funnie as hell...

jammers gave me some yogurt covered raisins Mmmm.... Oooo... yummy yummy in my tummy...

almost fell asleep in... PE!! YEP! its damn possible!!

they all want out like I did... I told 'em life is a freaking lot more simpler since I got out... *shrugs* what's best for 'em...

poor Andie broke up & got back together w/ her b/f... and she's still mad...

Ms. V's my hero... her idea for prom chaperons is the BEST... and Taz told me they're looking at a place in Gig Harbor.... *shrugs* wonder what it's like... should be interesting how it all turns out... he was like "WHY DID YOU PICK ME?!?!" --*laughs* I didn't; Ms. V did... I just agreed w/ her...--

Taz is my buddy boy oh yes indeed... *ass prints on the window* haha... fun stuff cleaning up... Coach was cracking me up, too!! he's a fun guy.... they all are... *nods* yep yep...

au revoir...

2:03 PM - 12.04.03 Thursday


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