kah2004's Diaryland Diary


this week has been utterly... aMaZInG...

it's funny how monday comes and goes... & w. this being our last school week in the year 2003 besides before break... it just kinda *happened*...

let's see... on Tuesday... *stares* talking and meetings and ideas and got the ball *kinda* rolling for NHS... well... not actually until Thursday... but it was interesting... me & Ana had some crazy kinda fun in 3rd "working" on our parodies... nice poster chica! haha... "its for our project..." yeah... that's it... *rolls eyes* like she didn't see the "2:Jason" on the back... lol... "you shouldn't be allowed to have glue, crayons, construction paper, and scissors!" hehe love ya girlie!

Wednesday... our APGov test was absolutely amazing... she was gone for a funeral *RIP* and so it was only FIFTY FREAKING MULTIPLE CHOICE!! merry christmas to us!! *laughs* only problem is that I tend to get all the vocab done a month ahead... and never really read over all of 'em before the test *oops* ...oh well... *laughs* me and Andie had some FUN at 3rd lunch... *shrugs* it was interesting... I think they both got my hint... and it **may** actually happen... *prays* pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasehavehimcallmepleasepleaseplease... and then there's the taking over the cough AGAIN hehe "you've been voted off the cough Steve!" haha and no you can't use my jacket! *gimme that back!* crazy man with a capital C...

nice talk about the CHANGE... we've both noticed it... *haha Rory was checking me out all day... every time I walked by him he said "hi" or something... hellllllooooo....* so yeah... now I'm not as *worried* about the change... b/c it's not just me whose feeling it... ya know? so maybe... *laughs* this change is what i needed... as Elizabeth & Amanda & Jessi know... "this change--- do me good!"

let's see... I was thinking all week about my Christmas cards... and so I ended up doing them on Thursday... after falling asleep... I had 50 pieces of paper and ended up not using 4 pieces.... I made 46 cards and everyone got them (one way or another) except for Kira b/c she's sick and I'll prolly see her @ some point... it was so much fun... *nods* no one even knows...

but the Christmas cards... I had all done except for Jammers' and Dustin's... so... *nods* I did Jam's this morning and Dustin's I finished when I got to school... that reminds me... Chad said it was in the PHONE BOOK *stares* never thought of looking there... *laughs* yeah right... I crack myself up!!

oh yeah... damn you Crispy... I had a card and EVERYTHING... even commented in it about how you were actually HERE this year... then you go and LEAVE!!! haah well Biz has your card so since you guys are going to Seattle... remind her then... *laughs* you called her mom... hahaha....

well... New Year's is gonna be... @ ren's!! YAY!! *wink*wink* lots of fun like usual... what movies we gonna rent this year...? hmmm...? *laughs* I'll be calling you tomorrow about that... got a coupla suggestions....

and I almost forgot!!! I was voted most likely to succeed w/ Hawk!! I was sure what I had ended up w/ since ppls voted me any and everything... and when Alder called out Hawk's name then mine... I *knew* what I had gotten!! *cheers* eek! I can't wait!! this year... (only DAYS AWAY) is gonna rule!!!

*sigh* me oh my oh why am i doing this to myself...? Andie do ya know why...? Ren do ya know why...? I wrote that we should hang out or do something on his card and left my #... Chad said his was in the phonebook... but... but... AAAAAAAAHHHH!!! WHY CAN'T THAT BOY JUST GIVE ME one LIL' SIGN OF WHAT HE'S THINKING!!!!!!!!! *bangs head against wall* this is... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....

well... off to enjoy my break... and to dream of New Year's... lots o' movies lined up... lots and lots and NO I WILL NOT FALL ASLEEP THIS YEAR!!!!

8:12 PM - 12.19.03 Friday


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