kah2004's Diaryland Diary


random survey, cuz i'm bored as hell

*Answer the following*
01) Time now:
12:18 AM
02) Last words you said:
"What the fuck...?!?!" (was watching SVU half paying attention and got confused)
03) Last song you sang a long to:
"All Falls Down" by Kanye West was on MT2 at the gym so I sang along while I ran on the treadmill.
04) What's in your CD player:
Right now, on my I-Tunes I'm listening to College Dropout by Kanye West.
05) What time did you wake up this morning?:
Late... like around a quarter to 12 I think it was...
06) Current clothes:
grey tank top & my comfy aeropostale sweats...
07) Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex:
EYES. definitely the eyes... and a killer smile... *swoons*
08) Last CD that you bought:
Yellowcard "Ocean Avenue" I believe it was... yeah, it definitely was.
09) If you could play an instrument, it would be:
I used to play the violin and miss it terribly... piana would be cool.
10) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to:
My birthmom... she's from my past, right? She gave birth to me then gave me up. Yeah, I'd definitely like to talk to her.
11) A random lyric:
"Alpha step Omega step Kappa step Sigma step gangstas walk pimps gonna talk..."

01)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:
haha that's funny (& that's definite no)
02) Did you send this to your crush?:
03) Do you prefer friends of the same or opposite sex?:
My girls keep me sane... but there's nothing like kickin it with the guys... which is something I miss something fierce.
04) Who is your best friend?:
Karen, Alicia, Jess... Diana & Chelsea & Jenny & Liz.... yea I think that's the gang...
05) Do you believe that love exists?:
Uhh... kinda? or something?

*The extra stuff*
01) Do you do drugs?:
02) What are you listening to right now (if applicable)?: "Last Call" by Kanye West
03) Do you want to get married?:
Yes, if I am so lucky...
04) How many messenger buddies do u have?: uh... a lot? 40 or so on AIM & MSN... and one on Yahoo cuz no one knowns I use Yahoo Messenger.
05) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?:
Get rid of the annoying flab on my stomach... and to make my face look more mature, not my damn baby cheeks.

01) Number:
211 or 11 or 112 or 12 or... yeah... sometimes 7...
02) Food:
Pesto pasta, and most fruits... though ice-cream is yummy, too *grins*
03) Boy's name:
uhh... no clue.
04) Girls name:
Asha, and one day, I'll have a little girl with that name. *nods* That's my wish, at least.
05) Sports:
Track, swimming... uh...?
06) Musicians:
The Used, Kanye West, 50 Cent, Garth Brooks, Zebrahead, JC Chasez, Something Corporate, Ryan Cabrera, Eminem, Guerilla Black, Big & Rich, Jack Johnson, & lots others...

*First Thing That Comes To Mind*
01) Red:
02) Cow:
03) Socks:
not on
04) Cheese Sticks:
05) Beer:
Corona, just like the shirt says.

*Final questions*
01) If you could be one person for a day who would it be?:
Uhhh... the President? To see what it feels like to influence the world (literally)!!
02) What was the last movie you saw in theaters:
"Vanity Fair" and it was really good... saw that the weekend I moved up to college with the rents, actually. haha.
03) Last thing you ate:
Dinner: pizza, a salad, 2 of those yummy chocolate cookies and some milk.
04) Who would you hate being locked in a room with?:
Uhh... a child molestor? a sex offender? uhh... yeah SVU on the brain...
05) Who would you love being locked in a room with?:
Such a loaded questions *snickers* LOADED... hehe...*gets comfortable in gutter*
06)Time Now:
12:40 AM

12:43 AM - 02.02.05 Wednesday


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