kah2004's Diaryland Diary


wrote sumthin...

wrote a new poem but one word has me blocked... so after I fill in that little blank, I shall put it up.... but man did it feel good to wriiiiiiiiite!!! I was feeling pretty shitty blah blah pity me boo-hoo and then I just concentrated on putting in onto the page and viola.... got me a good lil' poem... tho it's a rather long one--- seven stanzas.... so who knows. lemme know what ya think of it, kay? it's also currently nameless... and most of my poems that are nameless usually stay that way.... so help me out and pass any ideas of a title my way, please? I'll edit this later after I finish it up. --out

Untitled --04.15.05 Friday--
happiness seemed to bubble around;
everything seemed to have its proper place unbound.
little things were left throughout,
but then it all began to crack.

like a light rain in the middle of summer,
it was a quick instant filled with many;
things felt right but were still tricky,
as evenings shift to night time scrounging.

slowly the rainfall did lessen,
as proper places were again rearranged;
night time's questions left leaves of doubt,
as the truth slowly began to sprout.

moisture evaporated as the sun beat down,
while once-- twice-- thrice properties were cemented;
once again left in the dust,
while the truth flourished on that doubt.

streaks of what used to be,
graced the ground between the hardened cracks;
left again to defend alone,
doubt ruled a once-peaceful mind.

night fell on a once-greener pasture,
when happiness was a laughing matter;
alone again wasted-- trashed-- used-- broken,
alone again to struggle hereafter.

greener grass may one day be found;
but hardened cracked earth covers this ground.
until another warm spring rain,
she gives in to the restlessness unbound.

4:05 PM - 04.15.05 Friday


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