kah2004's Diaryland Diary


it's not even 9 o'clock and...

its funny who comfortable i feel with this security code and whatnot... only ppl who have the code can view my thoughts...

my aunt's coming up from Olympia-- she'll be her around 10-- w/ her 8 month old German Shepard puppy... so yeah that'll be fun. oh yeah-- i absolutely love dogs and cats... and i have this joke w/ my friends that the guy i marry i'll meet thru his dog. girls usually turn their heads at a nice car or guy--- i turn my head at a nice dog, guy, or car. *smirk* oh yeah!

i walk upstairs to eat breakfast this morning and my mom bombards me with her orders and twisted logic. i just tuned her out after a while... i wasn't awake yet-- and she's the one who's always telling us "i'm not awake-- don't talk to me" and stuff... blah!

monday, me and some friends are gonna take out the german exchange student, felix for bowling & pool... he flies out on Tuesday *sadness* i'm gonna miss him lots!!

then tuesday thru friday i will be at the coast enjoying my fam's cabin for the week. i won't be online or home for the phone... so hope everyone has a good week!

enjoy the summer!!


8:52 AM - 06.20.04 Sunday


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