kah2004's Diaryland Diary


almost midnight

Calm Me --07.01.03 Monday--
Calm me like a lover's kiss,
Rolling off like the morning mist;
Show me that world in your eyes,
Let me delight in your laughing smiles.

Show me all that I truly can be,
Let me know how you really need me;
Keep me safe when all goes to hell,
Grant my wishes and cast your spell.

Wrap me up in fiery emotions,
Cast me into your immense ocean;
Light me up with intense heat,
Let it smolder and move our feet.

Calm me like a lover's kiss,
Rolling off like the morning mist;
Show me that world in your eyes,
Let me delight in your laughing smiles.

Keep me dreaming when all seems to fail;
Keep me motivated when I'm not compelled;
Just be there for me when I'm in need,
And show me I can be loved-- indeed.

I'm sitting here @ a lil' before midnight thinking lots of things. I was reminded yesterday about my ordeal and can't keep my two hopes off my mind. I just want to know how either of them feels... ya know? it's like... well, Karen thinks I should take HIM up on his offers of boating and whatnot. should I Karen? I just don't know!?! dod me a favor and ask Cody for me... maybe-- about alex and steve, being interested... ya know? hope all is working out for you... I'm trying to make it work for me. being NOT home helps me to forget for a little while and stay busy. the cabins are like a whole new world for me-- a totally different facet of my life. don't even KNOW (truly!!) what I'd have done all those summers if I hadn't been able to come here. its my place to completely get away from it all... only connection being phone & email.

hope all are having fun on their various trips/vacations... hopefully when I get home next weekend the weather will be nice & I can take Steve up on his offer to go boating & whatnot ( well, Steve or Ty and Elias)...

[Playmate Of The Year]

11:52 PM - 07.01.03 Monday


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