kah2004's Diaryland Diary


cool outfit... but it ain't enough...

i was all set to call steve today... honestly, karen, i was! but then... went to the movies w/ Ana & Caity and learned that Andie really likes him and supposedly he really likes her... but she won't go out w/ him. when asked why she wouldn't, Caity said b/c she's stupid... ugh... i got home, and everytime i was in my room i looked at the phone b/c i wanna call him and do something else w/ him... but... *UGH*

haha talked to steven king today b/c he called caity and so she kept passing the phone to me so i "grilled" him or laughed at him for one reason or another... even ana talked to him at some point! haha... i said "wonder if i can get Caitlin to spit out her juice--" and she did so i cheered as she moved over the sink and continued drinking and i go "wonder if i can do it again" and she spit out the entire mouthful of juice she had!! it was GREAT!! haha... so Steven said that when we saw him on his boat he was mad and tired and pissed and doesn't like to sail so i told him that he should go w/ Steve Johnson sometime and he said "yeah"... and so yeah... he cut his hair... which Caity is VERY happy about... hehehe...

was talking to ana online and to caity on the phone and suddenly she goes "that was creepy i got chills..." so i guess it sounded like there was someone in the house so she told us to hurry and get over there. so ana picked me up and we went and hung out @ caity's and watched the first hour or so of Legally Blonde and then left for the movie.

ah yes... Johnny Depp at his finest, i must say... Pirates of the Carribean was what we saw, and i *HIGHLY* recommend it! i still wanna go see The Italian Job... *sigh* i should call one of 'em and go see a movie or something... but i just don't know...

so yeah... i was all set to call him and talk to him and such... but then i heard that and i don't wanna do to andie what she always does b/c that ain't right and that's what we're always complaining about where she's concerned... caity goes "so when ya gonna tell Andrea?" ugh... must i tell her? i can't help but think she's a fool for not going out w/ him... *UGH* wanting what can't be but wishing it would work for me... won't *SOMETHING* go my way this summer...?

signing off w/ the scene of Johnny in the moonlight in my mind as he goes "well isn't that interesting" ah yes... to be 24/7 drunk pirate who's hated by all... wouldn't that be fun... *sigh* and to be FREE!!!

oh......... wait.......... i DO have **FREEDOM**.... i just gotten decide when my next free moment shall be and who will *assist* me... but of course... it wouldn't be who i'd *WANT* to assist me... b/c that means something would go MY way... and that just don't even happen...

even tho i know he most likely doesn't feel the same... i still wanna know what cody has to say... but now, all i can even *hope* for is his friendship.... and if that's what i get... then i'll gladly take it... *sigh*

[Johnny Depp is HOTT!!]

9:17 PM - 07.16.03 Wednesday


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