kah2004's Diaryland Diary


HOW TO DEAL-- so much for no bull...

this is my diary... this is my life... i've made the choices i've made b/c i have... deal with it... or get lost... CONFRONT ME ABOUT IT-- if you got a problem..

so i must say this... I am **GUILTY** of the one thing I said I wouldn't start doing... I'm sorry if I feel the fucking need to say whatever the hell I wanna say in my diary... I'm sorry you feel the need to retaliate in your own diary... but I'm not doing this anymore (i lied b/c this entry is the exception--lol).

it seems to be the same arguement back and forth, back and forth... my life my choices so stop the FUCKING BITCHING!! i am you friend...(or so i've ALWAYS thought) or did you never see that? I am feeling just a TAD used at the moment... I now feel that words have been shoved down MY throat... I never said I was going to DISREGARD her feelings, all I said was that she and him have had something for however long, and its time I took him up on his OFFERS to take me out boating or whatever. he's my fucking friend so god damn deal with it.

i've come to a decision that i'm going to ignore the things said... i'm going to ignore how you've put words in my mouth... how you've made it seem i'm the bitch (and i'm NOT calling you a bitch, either... you SHOULD know me better than to assume that). shall i remind YOU who it was who has always listened to you when ever you were depressed? shall i remind you who has been here whenever you've been in need? and i sought the same things from you.... but now...

i'm getting a lil damn tired of the same ol same ol... and so i'm stepping back... i can be your worst god damn enemy or i can be your friend... you choose... and until you see that i just want to keep your friendship and don't want you pointing fingers at NOTHING... then i'm just gonna say salut for the summer... i'm still planning on getting your b-day presents when i can... i'm not gonna try and spread your secrets all over the place... i'm just gonna take a step back and take a DEEP BREATH...

i just want to keep you as my friend. i feel betrayed and frankly, i'm tired of the same ol same ol... i'm tired of making fun of someone WITH YOU... then have you turn around and accuse me of the same act you yourself have done...

i'm not a fucking idiot... or fucking innocent here... it's my life, my choices... so if you got a problem... then talk to me....

like i said... i can be your friend... or your enemy...so THINK ABOUT THAT... and when so when you decided to calm down... and not choose to say "I'm not talking to you-- I'm mad at you-- I'm not sure why..." you know you're moody... i know that we all know that. that's how you are and i respect that... but i need a break from your moods... so i'm saying latas for now, enjoy legally blond... i'll see ya in a couple weeks....

and to ana... i'll be calling ya soon.... and to lyndz-- i'm guilty of accusing you of previous bullshit... i'm sorry-- i was making fun of you behind your back and you SURE AS HELL don't deserve that... say hi to Scott for me, I'm SORRY FOR DOING WHAT NO ONE SHOULD DO TO YOU... I hope your job's going well... to Kess I'm gonna be calling ya soon chica!! and to Karen (MY BEST FRIEND)... I'll be expecting a call from ya to hear about your cabin "fever" and all the fun stuff you did outdoors...

also i'm gonna be doing something w/ Kathryn sometime this week... if anyone wants to join... gimme a call... if not... see ya... *waves*

this is my diary... this is my life... i've made the choices i've made b/c i have... deal with it... or get lost...


8:35 PM - 07.20.03 Sunday


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