kah2004's Diaryland Diary


paring knives & sore feet

EXCELLENT! found my dad's paring knife he bought when he was in AK... now to eat my nectarine the proper aka seabeck way-- w/ a knife!! haha my nectarine's nice and ripe, too... yummy!!

oh man... i feel like a hob-goblin this morning! i smashed my foot down on our old shower doors that're in the bathroom and the corner metal part took a lil' chunk outta my foot! AND it was 5 in the freaking morning when it happened! talk about a wake up call! luckily its on my left foot, tho not so luckily its on my outter foot on the bottom... so i've been walking around using the inside of my foot-- hurts so damn much! so then after getting up this morning, i looked at that damn door KAH21186: UGH its so coated w/ scum and dirt!! so i started freaking out that it'd get infected, but i had put a band-aid on it right after it happened so my mom was like "calm down you put a band-aid on--- it's not like the germs are gonna just jump into your cut!" oh man it hurts weird how just one lil' thing can change everything... never realized how MUCH i use the outside of my feet to move and get up and whatnot...

yay now i can bug Cody to go see 28 Days Later w/ me... I was hinting to go see a movie... but never asked... maybe, depending on his work, we could go tomorrow... haha let's see how easily he scares @ da movies!! haha i know he gets freaked out in the dark--that's for damn sure!! ...right Karen...? hehe *smirk*

yep yep we're gonna see Johnny English wonder if it'll be as funny as it seems... haha I've see so many movies this month... I saw Legally Blonde 2, Terminator 3, Pirates of the Carribean, Bad Boys 2, How to Deal, and today I'll see Johnny English and **hopefully** sometime this weekend (or before) I'll see 28 Days Later!!

[ouchies my foot!!]

this is my diary... this is my life... i've made the choices i've made b/c i have... deal with it... or get lost...

11:00 AM - 07.23.03 Wednesday


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