kah2004's Diaryland Diary


evil d-ed...

damn d-ed... there's something i gotta do BEFORE getting my certificate... damn... bored as hell... wanna do something... wanna get my license... i can see it on the horizon... but it's still too damn far away...

got some new ring tones for my phone... if you've got AT&T... then go to www.attwireless.com and you can find the ring tones...

"Sk8trBoi" is my current ring... also got "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park and then my ALL TIME FAVORITE... "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous" by GC!!! IT KICKS ASS MAN!!!

for some reason... I'm feeling kinda left out... I want this weekend to work so damn badly... 15 ppls Karen... haha think it'll be enough...? off to call ppls... I wanna chat ppls... anyone up for going to B&N and sitting @ Starbucks and chatting...?

oh well... weekend plans to go make... hehehe...

[leaving thru the window]
share -your- thoughts & dreams

this is my diary... this is my life... i've made the choices i've made b/c i have... deal with it... or get lost...

11:03 AM - 08.13.03 Wednesday


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