kah2004's Diaryland Diary


stalking twins & weddings

so i was **hoping** to get my license yesterday... didn't happen.

spent my day stalking the twins... right Ana? hehe we ever picked up Karen to take along!! They got some purdy horses, too! and Andie drove on the highway!! yay!!

here's to going to the Wellington Apartments FOUR FREAKING TIMES!!hehe

cut my hair... it's not a coupla inches past my shoulders... pretty much one layer now!! yay!!

found out Cody **may** be asking me to HC... guess Ana & Caity were talking about it and he said he wasn't sure he'd go & who he'd to w/ so both said "ASK KAMILLE!!" and he had this weird look on his face b/c they said it at the EXACT same time... hehehe...

if wishes were fished i'd have a sea full of 'em...

[leaving thru the window FOR A WEDDING!!!]
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this is my diary... this is my life... i've made the choices i've made b/c i have... deal with it... or get lost...

11:29 AM - 08.15.03 Friday


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