kah2004's Diaryland Diary


here's something **ELSE** to stew about....

*laughs* happy october! second month of school! woo-hoo!

WORDS --07.20.03 Sunday--
words have so much meaning,
yet so very few;
they can turn your whole world around,
or turn it greyish-blue.

words can be misinterpreted,
or possibly misused;
we take advantage of them all,
when we sometimes come unglued.

words are for the needy,
and the rich top dawgs;
words corrupt the greedy,
and turn people into hogs.
words are used so perfectly,
when the moment's right;
but words can lead to tragedy,
and shatter out one's light.
words are taken highly,
and words are spoken strongly;
but sometimes words are not enough,
and taking action sometimes wrongly.
people punish others,
with a single word;

words can form the noose,
and then words are no longer heard.
words have so much meaning,
yet so very few;
words are often given;
but so very hard to undo.

Just thought I'd add that here b/c there's some ppl--scratch that, one person also known as Caitlin** who needs to consider the meaning of that poem I wrote and do a little thinking...

if you expect to keep your friends... you don't hurt and push them away... bottom line.

and here's something to think about... don't be saying "you understand" when it sure as hell sounds like you don't! if you understand so damn well... then don't be saying shit!

and to quote a very wise friend of mine...
Also, I really hate it when I find out someone is mad at me through someone else. That's just immature and mean to do to someone. Please, if I have done something to offend you, anger you, or hurt your feelings, don't just sit there stewing on it, writing about it online, and avoiding me, tell me! If you don't, I can't fix it...And it really hurts to know that five other people know you're mad at me when I don't...

not getting my d-ed certificate tonite... the bastard's been gone all week, hence the not returning my calls... so... i got that meeting tonite... and otherwise... my List of Grievances is coming along nicely... and damn... the suckers were rejected by Schmidt... damn!

**this was included b/c I felt that I won't go on the sly and say "this person did this..." and all that bullshit. Caitlin you know what you did... so that's what I have to say about what you wrote. Deal with it... but I'm moving on...

[**SENIOR PICS tomorrow**]
why kinda pc do -YOU- have...?
--the Homecoming dress I'm getting--
map of the stars

this is my diary... this is my life... i've made the choices i've made b/c i have... deal with it... or get lost...

3:20 PM - 10.01.03 Wednesday


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