kah2004's Diaryland Diary


It's all in the past and will never be anything more.

Strike one: drinking while alone, nostalgic, and sad.

Strike two: rootbeer and whiskey samples.

Strike three: loving someone who will never love me back, even though he says he'll always love me (in some way).

Strike four: catching on up One Tree Hill episodes. Makes me emotional.

Too many strikes against me and all I want to do is text him and know how he is, what he's doing and how he feels. I want to ask if he ever got my letter or my gifts or if he ever really truly trusted me.

I spend all my time working and being fake.

What do I have to do to have a genuine, God-honest conversation???

Doesn't anyone want to be my friend any more???

8:29 PM - 11.05.11 Saturday


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