kah2004's Diaryland Diary


The Beginng of the Rest of Your Life

I'm sitting here with a goofy grin on my face, fingers crossed... I think I've found something with so much potential I barely want to write about it for fear of jinxing it.

we've talked so very much in just a week, more than I ever thought possible. It's like... the stuff you're watching in movies, I feel. I cannot wait to see where this goes and just knowing that as much as possible, it's already begun and it's just so...

I cannot stop smiling or thinking about it or our conversations or... its just unbelievable. I keep waiting to wake up from this dream, to find out it was just a trick and that it's all just pretend...

I'm over the moon and excited and happy... such a connection, such chemistry, such care and understanding, such honesty and just... awareness... I am so looking forward jumping in and never looking back.

This is now, it's really happening...

I could really have everything I've ever dreamed.

11:03 PM - 11.28.12 Wednesday


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